Growing beyond the trauma of personally surviving sexual abuse as a child has been a journey requiring intentional self care, reflection, and compassion. It is just one of my experiences that shapes my belief that we have the power to dictate the terms on which we choose to live. As a court appointed special advocate for children, protecting, nurturing, and empowering our youth is a significant part of my commitment to shape society in a meaningful ways.
Featured speaker for events such as fundraisers, school programs, and workshops
A voice is one of the most powerful tools we have to influence those around us.
Approximately 40 million children below the age of 15 are subjected to child abuse each year. (World Health Organization)
An estimated one million children all over the world are sold or “trafficked” internationally and across borders into illegal sex trade every year. (UNICEF Convention on the Rights of Children)
Over 10 years guiding young women in early childhood education and relationship building
Mentorship can prove to a critical deciding factor in what paths a child decides to explore and how far along those paths she goes. Supporting young women in identifying and fulfilling their dreams is an opportunity I embrace with gratitude and excitement.